.. _pages/ui_html_editing/featurelist#feature_list: Feature List ************ This page aims to describe the features of the HtmlArea component. *Aims* because there are for sure features which are missing or considered as *must-have* to not enter the feature list as own entry. This page should get you a good overview of what you can expect from this HTML editing component. .. _pages/ui_html_editing/featurelist#end-user_features: End-User Features ================= .. _pages/ui_html_editing/featurelist#text_formatting: Text Formatting --------------- * Bold * Italic * Underline * Strikethrough * Text Color * Background Color * Font Size * Font Family .. _pages/ui_html_editing/featurelist#alignment: Alignment --------- * Left * Center * Right * Justify .. _pages/ui_html_editing/featurelist#lists: Lists ----- * Unordered lists * Ordered lists .. _pages/ui_html_editing/featurelist#inserting: Inserting --------- * Tables * Images * Horizontal rulers * Hyperlink * HTML code .. _pages/ui_html_editing/featurelist#document_wide_formatting: Document Wide Formatting ------------------------ * Background Image * Background Color .. _pages/ui_html_editing/featurelist#additional_features_1: Additional Features ------------------- * Removing format * Select the whole content * Indent / Outdent * Undo / Redo .. _pages/ui_html_editing/featurelist#developer_features: Developer Features ================== .. _pages/ui_html_editing/featurelist#events: Events ------ * Load / LoadingError and Ready * Current cursor context * Contextmenu * Focus / Focus out .. _pages/ui_html_editing/featurelist#content_manipulation: Content Manipulation -------------------- * Content as HTML output * Post-process HTML output * Current selected HTML * Reset content * Context Information of current focused node (e.g. to update a toolbar widget) .. _pages/ui_html_editing/featurelist#advanced_paragraph-handling: Advanced Paragraph-Handling --------------------------- * Keeps formatting across multiple paragraphs * Type of line-break adjustable (new paragraph or new line) * Support for ``Shift+Enter`` and ``Ctrl+Enter`` to insert single line-break .. _pages/ui_html_editing/featurelist#additional_features_2: Additional Features ------------------- * Hotkey Support * Set own CSS for content at startup * Access to content document and content body * Access to editable iframe element