.. _pages/tool/generator_config_macros#configuration_macro_reference: Generator Config Macros ****************************** This page lists the macros which are pre-defined in qooxdoo, and can (mostly) be overridden in custom configuration files. (Others, like PYTHON_CMD or QOOXDOO_VERSION, you would only want to reference, but not set). .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 40 20 * - Macro name - Description - Default value * - API_EXCLUDE - list of class pattern to exclude from the api documentation - [] * - API_INCLUDE - list of class pattern to include in the api documentation - ["qx.*", "${APPLICATION}.*"] * - APPLICATION - application name space - * - APPLICATION_MAIN_CLASS - application main class - ${APPLICATION}.Application * - BUILD_PATH - output path for the "build" job (can be rel. to config dir) - ./build * - CACHE - path to the compile cache (can be rel. to config dir) - ${TMPDIR}/cache * - CACHE_KEY - takes the value of a complete :ref:`cache ` configuration key (i.e. a map) - { "compile" : "${CACHE}", "downloads" : "${CACHE}/downloads", "invalidate-on-tool-change" : true } * - GENERATOR_OPTS - *(experimental)* (read-only) string with the command line options the generator was invoked with (e.g. *"-c myconf.json -q"*) - * - HOME - (read-only) value of the (process) environment variable "HOME" - "." *(for safety reasons)* * - LOCALES - list of locales for this application - [ "en" ] * - OPTIMIZE - list of optimization options for build version - ["basecalls", "comments", "privates", "strings", "variables", "variants"] * - QOOXDOO_PATH - path to the qooxdoo installation root dir - * - QOOXDOO_VERSION - the current qooxdoo version - %{version} * - QOOXDOO_REVISION - (read-only) the current qooxdoo repository revision - (only defined in a repository checkout) * - QXICONTHEME - icon theme to use for this application - ["Tango"] * - QXTHEME - theme to use for this application - "qx.theme.Modern" * - PYTHON_CMD - (read-only) Python executable - (your system's default Python executable) * - ROOT - application root dir (rel. to config dir) - "." * - SIMULATION_INCLUDE - class pattern to search for GUI test classes - "${APPLICATION}.simulation.*" * - SIMULATOR_CLASSPATH - Java classpath argument for GUI test runner - "${SIMULATOR_ROOT}/tool/js.jar: ${SIMULATOR_ROOT}/tool/selenium-java-client-driver.jar" * - SIMULATOR_ROOT - path to the framework's simulator component - "${QOOXDOO_PATH}/ component/ simulator" * - TEST_INCLUDE - class pattern to search for unit test classes - "${APPLICATION}.test.*" * - TEST_EXCLUDE - class pattern to exclude unit test classes - "${APPLICATION}.test.oldtests.*" * - TESTS_SCRIPT - script file name for the test application (the "AUT") - "tests.js" * - TMPDIR - (read-only) path to tmp directory - (platform-dependent, like /tmp etc.; run *generate.py info* to find out) * - USERNAME - (read-only) value of the (process) environment variable "USERNAME" -