.. _pages/widget/widget#widget: Widget ****** This is the base class for all widgets. .. _pages/widget/widget#features: Features -------- * Integration with event system * Focus handling * Drag and drop * Auto sizing * Theming * Tool tips * Context menus * Visibility handling * Sub widget management .. _pages/widget/widget#description: Description ----------- The widget is the base class for all qooxdoo widgets. It contains the widget system's core functionality. .. _pages/widget/widget#diagram: Diagram ------- |widget/widget.png| .. |widget/widget.png| image:: /pages/widget/widget.png A widget consists of at least three HTML elements. The container element, which is added to the parent widget, has two child Elements: The "decoration" element and the "content" element. The decoration element has a lower z-Index and contains markup to render the widget's background and border using an implementation of ``qx.ui.decoration.IDecorator``. The content element is positioned inside the "container" element to respect paddings and contains the "real" widget element. .. _pages/widget/widget#demos: Demos ----- There are no explicit widget demos since the widget is typically sub classed. .. _pages/widget/widget#api: API --- | Here is a link to the API of the Widget: | `qx.ui.core.Widget `_