.. _pages/widget/composite#composite: Composite ********* The Composite is a generic container widget. It exposes all methods to set layouts and to manage child widgets as public methods. Composites must be configured with a layout manager to define the way the widget’s children are positioned. .. _pages/widget/composite#features: Features -------- * Public methods to manage child widgets (add, remove, ...) * Public ``setLayout`` method to define the Composite's layout manager .. _pages/widget/composite#description: Description ----------- Composites are used to manually compose widgets. They are always used in combination with a layout manager. The general behavior of this widget is controlled by this layout manager. .. _pages/widget/composite#demos: Demos ----- Any of the layout demos use Composites: Here are some links that demonstrate the usage of the widget: * `The first layout demo. Any other layout demo uses Composites as well. `_ .. _pages/widget/composite#api: API --- | Here is a link to the API of the Widget: | `qx.ui.container.Composite `_