
Universal JavaScript Framework


Logging System

The logging API allows for a definition of what is logged and where it is logged, while trying to keep usage as simple as possible.

Writing Log Messages

Every qooxdoo object has four logging methods debug(), info(), warn() and error(). Each method takes an arbitrary number of parameters which can be of any JavaScript data type: The logging system will create text representations of non-string parameters.

The name of the method defines the log level your log message will get. If you want to log a message that is interesting for debugging, then use debug(). If you want to log some general information, use info(). If you want to log a warning, use warn(). Errors should be logged with error().

So to write a log message just call:

this.debug("Hello world");

All of qx.core.Object log methods delegates to qx.log.Logger. If you want to get into more details, you can check their API.

Now that we know how to log a message, let's see where it's written.

Log Appenders

Log appenders tells the logging system where to write log messages. When you create a brand new qooxdoo application, you may stumble upon this piece of code in Application.js file.

// Enable logging in debug variant
if (qx.core.Environment.get("qx.debug")) {

By default, every qooxdoo application comes with 2 activated log appenders, Native and Console.

The Native appender logs messages to the browser's console. For Firefox, that native console might be Firebug Console, while for Chrome or Safari is the Developer Tools' Console. The Console appender is a cross-browser solution, logging messages to a top-left absolute positioned window that can be opened by pressing F7.

Here's the complete list of appenders that qooxdoo provides by default:

if none of the default appenders are right for you, you can also create a custom log appender.

Writing Custom Log Appenders

Writing your own appenders is easy. Here's a blueprint to get you started.

qx.Class.define("qx.log.appender.MyCustomAppender", {
  statics : {
    init : function() {
      // register to log engine

    process : function(entry) {
      //handle the entry map

As you can see, an appender is just a static class that implements a "process" method, and register itself to the logging system.

The process method will be called by the logger with an "entry" map as the only parameter. Log appenders that need only a text representation of the logged item(s) can pass this map to qx.log.appender.Util.toText. For other use cases, this is what an entry map consists of:

Log Entry Map

  • items Array of maps containing information about the logged items, see below
  • time When the message was logged appender is a static class with at (JavaScript Date)
  • level The level of the log message
  • object qx object registry hash of the object the log method was called on
  • win The application's DOM window (necessary for cross-frame logging)
  • offset Time in milliseconds since application startup

Logged Item Map

  • text Text representation of the logged item. If the logged item is an array, the value of text is an array containing text representations of each of the logged array's entries. For maps, the value is an array of maps with the following fields:
  • key The map key's name
  • text Representation of the corresponding value
  • trace Stack trace (if the logged item is an Error object)
  • type One of "undefined", "null", "boolean", "number", "string", "function", "array", "error", "map", "class", "instance", "node", "stringify", "unknown" "stringify"

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Debugging Applications

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