
Universal JavaScript Framework


From jQuery to qooxdoo


Please note that the features described here are still experimental, so the API may change in the future.

This article may be a good transition guide for experienced jQuery developers to work with qooxdoo. qooxdoo 0.8.2 and beyond supports a selector engine and an experimental collection handling, which is comparable to the feature set of jQuery 1.3.2 and after.

For more info also see the following information:

jQuery's $() Method

jQuery's main method $() behaves different depending on the parameters supplied:

  • Converting a DOM node into a collection
  • Selecting a set of elements via CSS expression
  • Processing HTML code and wrapping it into a collection
  • Registering functions for being executed at document load
$("HTML <b>string</b>");

The resulting jQuery object is an instance of qx.bom.Collection (or short a "collection") on the qooxdoo side. In general qooxdoo is intentionally a bit more verbose in terms of API, since it often is disadvantageous to use all too much implicit magic (a lesson learned from early qooxdoo).

1. Wrapping DOM Elements

You create a collection in qooxdoo by invoking the static method qx.bom.Collection.create with an existing DOM node:

var coll = qx.bom.Collection.create(li);   // qooxdoo

This is basically the same as the following jQuery code:

var coll = $(li);   // jQuery

Like jQuery, qooxdoo's collection supports an array as first argument, where each element of the array is an existing DOM node:

var coll = qx.bom.Collection.create([li1, li2, li3]);   // qooxdoo

2. CSS Selector Engine

It is also possible to select DOM elements by a CSS selector. qooxdoo uses exactly the same powerful Sizzle engine as jQuery. So the feature set is almost identical.

In jQuery you may select all h2 and h3 headers by doing this:

var headers = $("h2,h3");   // jQuery

In qooxdoo you use the static method qx.bom.Collection.query, which expects a CSS like selector. This is how the code in qooxdoo to query the document for h2 and h3 headers looks like:

var headers = qx.bom.Collection.query("h2,h3");   // qooxdoo

3. HTML Parser

In jQuery it is possible to reuse existing HTML. The result may be further processed by the methods on the jQuery object.

var obj = $("<b>Some HTML</b>");   // jQuery

In qooxdoo the same is achieved by having the collection parse HTML:

var obj = qx.bom.Collection.create("<b>Some HTML</b>");   // qooxdoo

A more explicit way to parse HTML is to use the static method qx.bom.Collection.html, so you could also say:

var obj = qx.bom.Collection.html("<b>Some HTML</b>");   // qooxdoo

Internally, create uses html when the first parameter is a valid HTML string.

4. Load Event Registration

To attach load events simply use qooxdoo's regular event registration. There is no convenience handling for this on the selector or collection classes. First the code for jQuery:

// jQuery (Variant 1)
$(function() {
  alert("executed at load");

As this is also a shorthand in jQuery, here the same code when using the classical variant:

// jQuery (Variant 2)
$(window).ready(function() {
  alert("executed at load");

In qooxdoo you do it the familiar way:

// qooxdoo
qx.event.Registration.addListener(window, "ready", function() {
  alert("executed at load");

Collection Features

// Every listed qooxdoo method is a method of qx.bom.Collection
// Look below for some short examples
var allDivElements = qx.bom.Collection.query("div");
var howMany = allDivElements.length;
var indexOfElement = allDivElements.indexOf(aDivElement);


Description jQuery qooxdoo
Detect the length of a collection size() / length length
Get an element by index get(0) [0]
Get elements as array get() toArray()
Iterate over items each(callback) forEach(callback, context)
Get the index of an element index(elem) indexOf(elem)
  • qooxdoo uses native methods if possible. Current browsers implement them with a performance superior to the handwritten code. The names forEach(), indexOf() and others, are also the names of these methods on native Arrays. This reduces the learning curve for new JavaScript developers as only one API has to be understood.
  • forEach() comes with the arguments callback and obj, where callback is the method to execute and obj is the context in which it should be executed. In jQuery the method is called each() and has only a callback argument, not allowing to define the context in which the method is executed. Actually it is executed in the context of the current item. So this is always the "current" element, whereas in qooxdoo this is the first argument sent to the callback function.
  • get() jquery function can get the last element with a negative argument passed to it: get(-1), while in qooxdoo indexOf() method has a fromIndex as second argument making it more suited in case of large collections.



Description jQuery qooxdoo
Read an attribute attr(name) getAttribute(name)
Set an attribute attr(name, value) setAttribute(name, value)
Set an attribute to a computed value attr(name, function) Not supported
Set attributes attr(map) setAttributes(map)
Remove an attribute removeAttr(name) resetAttribute(name)
  • qooxdoo distinguishes between setters and getters. In jQuery these two variants are usually melted into a single function, which decides about the action from the arguments given. This may be a problem when unintentionally undefined values are passed to these methods as these do not throw an error in this case.
  • Each getter on a qooxdoo collection only returns the value of the first element of the collection. This is the same as in jQuery, except for the text() method, which concats the text content of all elements in the collection into one large string.


Description jQuery qooxdoo
Get the HTML content html() getAttribute("html")
Set the HTML content html(value) setAttribute("html", value)


Description jQuery qooxdoo
Get the textual content text() getAttribute("text")
Set the textual content text(value) setAttribute("text", value)


Description jQuery qooxdoo
Add a class addClass(classname) addClass(classname)
Check for a class hasClass(classname) hasClass(classname)
Remove class removeClass(classname) removeClass(classname)
Toggle class toggleClass(classname) toggleClass(classname)
Toggle class based on switch toggleClass(classname, toggle) toggleClass(classname, toggle)
  • jQuery's hasClass() checks if at least one class in the collection matches the given class name, whereas in qooxdoo (consistent with the way all getters work), only queries the first element. Both return Boolean values. As an alternative to jQuery's method you may call the method is() instead, which exists in both frameworks with a comparable implementation.


Description jQuery qooxdoo
Read a value val() getValue()
Set a value val(value) setValue(value)



Description jQuery qooxdoo
Reading a style css(name) getStyle(name)
Setting a style css(name, value) setStyle(name, value)
Setting styles css(map) setStyles(map)


Description jQuery qooxdoo
Get absolute position to document offset() getOffset()
Get the offset parent offsetParent() getOffsetParent()
Get position in relation to offset parent position() getPosition()
Get vertical scroll position scrollTop() getScrollTop()
Set vertical scroll position scrollTop(value) setScrollTop(value)
Get horizontal scroll position scrollLeft() getScrollLeft()
Set horizontal scroll position scrollLeft(value) setScrollLeft(value)


Description jQuery qooxdoo
Returns the rendered width width() getContentWidth()
Configures the width width(value) setStyle("width", value+"px")
Returns the rendered height height() getContentHeight()
Configures the height height(value) setStyle("height", value+"px")
Returns the inner width innerWidth() see notes
Returns the inner width innerHeight() see notes
Returns the outer width outerWidth() getWidth()
Returns the inner width outerHeight() getHeight()
  • There are a few differences between the APIs of qooxdoo and jQuery here. The width() method of jQuery returns the content width, qooxdoo's getWidth() returns the box width instead (think of the "user-visible" width). The content width in qooxdoo is available from the method getContentWidth(). The box width in jQuery is available via outerWidth().
  • jQuery has a few more convenience methods, but they are typically used less often. The inner width in jQuery is basically the content width plus left and right padding. The outer width in jQuery also supports an optional flag to respect the margin as well (margin box). You can calculate both dimensions quite easily using qx.bom.element.Style.get().


Collection modifiers are available to extend or filter the current collection and to create a new collection to be returned. The method end() exits the last extension or filter and returns the previous collection. This is especially useful when working with chaining.


Description jQuery qooxdoo
Filter by index eq(index) eq(index)
Filter by selector filter(selector) filter(selector)
Filter by function filter(function) filter(function)
Whether content matches expression is(selector) is(selector)
Translate one collection into another map(function) map(function, context?)
Remove elements matching the expression not(selector) not(selector)
Select a subset of the collection slice(start, end) slice(start, end)
  • In qooxdoo the methods map() and slice() are implemented by the native Array methods and this way guarantee an optimal performance. There are a lot more functions available in qooxdoo, as most Array methods are simply inherited, e.g. splice(), sort(), etc.
  • For the method hasClass() please have a look at the "Attributes" section above. Be aware that the qooxdoo implementation only works on the first element and this way is not equivalent to jQuery's implementation.


Description jQuery qooxdoo
Add elements add(selector) add(selector)
Get children matching the selector children(selector) children(selector)
Closest parent that matches closest(selector) closest(selector)
Get all child nodes (non-recursive) contents() contents()
Replace with matched children find(selector) find(selector)
Replace with matched children find(function) Not supported
Get next element next(selector) next(selector)
Get all next elements nextAll(selector) nextAll(selector)
Get all next elements up to a limit nextUntil(selector) Not supported
Get parent element parent(selector) parent(selector)
Get all parent elements parents(selector) parents(selector)
Get all parent elements up to a limit parentsUntil(selector) Not supported
Get previous element prev(selector) prev(selector)
Get all previous elements prevAll(selector) prevAll(selector)
Get all previous elements up to a limit prevUntil(selector) Not supported
Get siblings siblings(selector) siblings(selector)


Description jQuery qooxdoo
Goto previous collection end() end()
Merge current and previous collection andSelf() andSelf()

Content Manipulation


Description jQuery qooxdoo
Append content to the inside append(content) append(content)
Prepend content to the inside prepend(content) prepend(content)
Append collection to given selector appendTo(selector) appendTo(selector)
Prepend collection to given selector prependTo(selector) prependTo(selector)
  • Please note that qooxdoo does not support adding tr elements directly to a table element as jQuery does. This reduces implementation overhead and it can easily be overcome if you use a tbody element as the parent and then append() or prepend() the tr elements.


Description jQuery qooxdoo
Insert content after after(content) after(content)
Insert content before before(content) before(content)
Insert collection after selector insertAfter(selector) insertAfter(selector)
Insert collection before selector insertBefore(selector) insertBefore(selector)


Description jQuery qooxdoo
Wrap content around selected elements wrap(content) wrap(content)
Combine and wrap selected elements wrapAll(content) wrapAll(content)
Wrap inner of each element wrapInner(content) wrapInner(content)
Replace selected elements' parents within the document unwrap() Not supported


Description jQuery qooxdoo
Replace collection with given content replaceWith(content) replaceWith(content)
Replace given selector result with collection replaceAll(selector) replaceAll(selector)


Description jQuery qooxdoo
Remove collection from parent node(s) detach(selector) remove(selector)
Destroy collection from parent node(s) remove(selector) destroy(selector)
Clear content of collection empty() empty()


Description jQuery qooxdoo
Clone collection (and DOM nodes) clone() clone()


The effects module in jQuery and qooxdoo are not so similar, so a comparison method for method is not the best way to describe them. The main function in jQuery to handle effects is animate(). Here are the arguments that you can pass to it:

  • a map of properties and their values. ex: {width: 100,height: '200%',left: '+=100',opacity: 0.9}. you can give absolute values {width: 100}, and if the property is already at that value the effect does not run for that property, or you can give a relative value {left: '+=100'}.
  • a duration how long the effect will be running
  • easing : the name of the function that will tell the effect how it will progress
  • complete : the function that will be called when the effect is done
  • step : a function that will be called on every step of the transition
  • queue : a flag that will indicate if the effect will be added in the effect queue or will start immediately
  • specialEasing : defines special easing function for each property in effect.

In qooxdoo, we have qx.fx.Base class which all effects extend, and if you want something custom, this is the one to build upon. Both have handy functions/classes for widely used effects: hide(), show(), toggle(), fadeIn(), fadeOut(), fadeTo()

An easy translation between the 2 fx modules is listed below:

  • the map of properties in jQuery does not have a similar map in qooxdoo. The properties are specified in each effect class as considered fit for the effect. qx.fx.effect.core.Style works on a single property passed as argument in the constructor, qx.fx.effect.core.Scale works on top,left,width,height and fontSize properties declared internally.
  • duration is a property in qx.fx.Base so it can be set with setDuration() method.
  • easing is transition in qooxdoo and can be set with setTransition() in qx.fx.Base
  • complete is finish in qooxdoo and it is an event. you specify the jquery complete handler function like this: qx.fx.Base.addListener('finish',Func);
  • step is update in qooxdoo and it is an event.
  • in addition to these 2 events, qooxdoo has setup event, and you can handle it when the effect starts.
  • queue. if you want to queue an effect in qooxdoo you would use qx.fx.queue.Queue class, and add the effect there. jQuery has some functions to handle the queue like queue() to get the effects left to run, dequeue() to execute the next effect in the queue, clearqueue() to remove all effects left in the queue. These functions are not found in qooxdoo's Queue class.
  • specialEasing. not needed per se, as we define the transition function for each effect we create.

jQuery has a way to terminate all animations by setting jQuery.fx.off = true, also it has a way to specify the speed of the animations by jQuery.fx.interval, which unfortunately is a global one - the corresponding property in qooxdoo is fps and can be set per effect.

stop() is the jQuery function to terminate animation, end() is the method for qooxdoo. You can get all elements being animated by using :animated selector in jQuery only. qooxdoo has no such selector, one would have to manually keep a collection of these elements.


Both libraries have some useful functions that come in handy.

jQuery.support has some properties to check for the existence of some browser featues/bugs. This was added in 1.3 replacing properties like jQuery.boxModel with jQuery.support.boxModel

  • qx.core.Environment.get("css.boxmodel") in qooxdoo. Many of these properties do not exist in qooxdoo, where each method hides this stuff from the user and takes care of browser inconsistencies on its own, without relying on such global properties. Here are some of them:
  • jQuery.support.changeBubbles - change event bubbles up the DOM tree
  • jQuery.support.cssFloat - name of the property containing the CSS float value is .cssFloat
  • jQuery.support.hrefNormalized - .getAttribute() method retrieves the href attribute of elements unchanged or full URI
  • jQuery.support.htmlSerialize - browser is able to serialize/insert <link> elements using the .innerHTML

There is also a browser property named jQuery.browser which can be replaced by qooydoos environment class.

Type utilities

Description jQuery qooxdoo
Checks if the object is Array jQuery.isArray() qx.lang.Type.isArray()
Checks if object has no keys jQuery.isEmptyObject() qx.lang.Object.isEmpty()
Checks if the object is a Function jQuery.isFunction() qx.lang.Type.isFunction()
Cheks if the Object is a pure js object [ex: {}] jQuery.isPlainObject() qx.lang.Type.isObject()
Checks to see if the argument is a window jQuery.isWindow() Not supported
Checks to see if a DOM node is within an XML document (or is an XML document) jQuery.isXMLDoc() Not supported
Checks to see if the object is a Boolean Not supported qx.lang.Type.isBoolean()
Checks to see if the object is a Date Not supported qx.lang.Type.isDate()
Checks to see if the object is an Error Not supported qx.lang.Type.isError()
Checks to see if the object is a Number Not supported qx.lang.Type.isNumber()
Checks to see if the object is a String Not supported qx.lang.Type.isString()
Checks to see if the object is a RegExp Not supported qx.lang.Type.isRegExp()

Other utilities

Description jQuery qooxdoo
Checks if a node is within another node jQuery.contains() qx.dom.Hierarchy.contains
Merge 2 objects into the first jQuery.extend() qx.lang.Object.merge
Merge 2 arrays into the first jQuery.merge() qx.lang.Array.append
Execute some JavaScript code globally jQuery.globalEval() Not supported
Filters an array jQuery.grep() qx.type.BaseArray.filter
Converts an array-like object to a true JS array jQuery.makeArray() qx.lang.Array.toArray
Translate all items of an array to another array of items jQuery.map() qx.type.BaseArray.map
Serializes an array/object into a query string jQuery.param() qx.util.Serializer.toUriParameter
Parses a JSON object jQuery.parseJSON() qx.lang.Json.parse()
Removes duplicates from array jQuery.unique() qx.lang.Array.unique()
Trims a string jQuery.trim() qx.lang.String.trim
Returns the internal JavaScript Class of an object jQuery.type() qx.lang.Type.getClass()

In jQuery there are 2 functions to serialize form data: .serialize(), which makes a string suited for submission out of the elements and their values, and .serializeArray() which makes an array out of them. The equivalent in qooxdoo is the model of the qx.data.controller.Form.

Last 2 functions in utilities are noop() - the function that does nothing and sub() which duplicates jQuery global variable in order to extend it without affecting the original jQuery object. No qooxdoo equivalent for these 2.


Event module in the 2 libraries are similar, with few differences shown below: * in jQuery there is a concept of adding an event to a collection in a "live" fashion - that means if the collection adds more elements to itself they automatically get the event handlers, no need for a new call to bind(). this is represented by live(), die() functions.

  • in jQuery you can delegate an event to be caught and handled in a root of a set of elements with delegate(). In qooxdoo this is default for certain events.
  • jQuery.proxy() returns a function that will always have a particular context and this is used as event handlers so that you can be sure what this stands for. In qooxdoo proxy() function is not needed as the context is an argument for the addListener method and at that time you pass it.
  • jquery has shortcuts for common events: blur(), click() have addListener('blur',handler) and addListener('click'.handler) in qooxdoo as possible counterparts. Also, hover() and toggle() shortcuts get 2 handlers as arguments so that they can handle in & out states or hover and alternate clicks for toggle. Just handy shortcuts, nothing more.
  • in jQuert there is support for stopImmediatePropagation with event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() and event.stopImmediatePropagation().
Description jQuery qooxdoo
Attaches a handler for an event jQuery.bind() addListener
Fires an event jQuery.trigger() qx.event.Registration.fireEvent
Fires an event without fireing the native event jQuery.triggerlHandler() Not supported
Attaches a handler once, then removes itself .one() addListenerOnce()
Removes a handler .unbind() removeListener()
Namespace of the event when it was fired event.namespace can be obtained through the context(this)
Data to add to an event event.data Not supported
Time when the event was fired event.timeStamp qx.event.type.Event.getTimeStamp()
Global error handler .error() qx.event.GlobalError.setErrorHandler


jQuery has 2 method data() and removeData() to handle storage of arbitrary data associated with the matched elements. As of jQuery 1.4.3 HTML 5 data - attributes will be automatically pulled in to jQuery's data object that acts as the storage. no qooxdoo API for it yet.