.. _pages/data_binding/changebubble#data_binding_events: Events ******************* Events are a key concept of data binding. They are responsible for notifying every connected view (which can be more than one) to update their representation of the data stored in the model. You can see the events as a nervous system for your data bound app. In general, there are two different kinds of events. .. _pages/data_binding/changebubble#change_events: Change Events ------------- The basic events used in the data binding are the change events of the :doc:`qooxdoo property system<../core/understanding_properties>`. You will find some details about the :ref:`change events of properties` in the documentation. Those events are fired as soon as a property changes. Array ^^^^^ There is also an event for :ref:`data arrays`, which will fire events on every change as well. This event is called ``change`` and is a data array containing additional information. The information is stored as data in a map and contains the following keys. * ``start``: The start index of the change e.g. 0 if the index 0 has been written. * ``end``: The end index of the change. This might often be the same as the start index but there are some operation which might take action on a range of items like ``sort`` or ``splice``. * ``type``: The type of the change as a String. This can be 'add', 'remove' or 'order'. * ``items``: The items which has been changed (as a JavaScript array). .. _pages/data_binding/changebubble#bubbling_events: Bubbling Events --------------- Regular change events might not be enough in every use case. If we consider a huge tree like data model, it's quite a lot of work to add a listener to every model object to get updates for the view. Therefore, the data binding also supports bubbling events named ``changeBubbles``. These events are provided by a mixin named `MEventBubbling `__. Enabling ^^^^^^^^ These bubbling events are disabled by default because firing an additional event for every change is not always necessary. There are two ways for enabling the events. The most easy and preferred way is to use the :ref:`marhsaler` to create the models. You will find more details about how to do that in the :ref:`marhsaler section`. A second way is to include the mixin to your own classes. More details on that in the `API documentation of that mixin `__. Details ^^^^^^^ This event, like the regular change event of the Array, also offers additional information on the kind of change and where the change initially happened. The data of the event contains a map offering the following keys: * ``value``: The new value of the property. * ``old``: The old value of the property. * ``name``: The name of the property including its parents e.g. ``bar[3].baz``. * ``item``: The model item that has been changed. Array ^^^^^ The data array also offers bubble events with the same details. But the arrays don't have properties which change. You can see the index of the array as property instead. So here is a sample what a unshift action on an array might look like: :: var array = new qx.data.Array("a", "b", "c"); array.addListener("changeBubble", function(e) { var data = e.getData(); // do something with the data }); array.unshift("X"); Think of the unshift action as something which manipulates the index 0 because it adds one item at the index 0 and moves every item by one index. This unshift will produce the following data in the changeBubble event: * ``value``: ``['X']`` (An array containing the new value at the index 0) * ``old``: ``['a']`` (An array containing the old value at the index 0) * ``name``: ``0`` (The name of the changed index) * ``item``: ** (The array itself) The properties ``value`` and ``old`` are always an array because there are operations which change several indexes at once like ``splice``.