.. _pages/mobile/deployment#deployment: Deployment ********** Deploy your %{Mobile} application ================================= You developed a great %{Mobile} application, and want to use or test it on your mobile device. For this purpose, we propose using `Apache Cordova`_. It gives you the possibility to deploy native applications, that run the qooxdoo mobile JavaScript code in an wrapped native browser directly on your mobile device. Mobile applications, created with "Apache Cordova", can be published to the various App Stores and Marketplaces. A free distribution of Cordova is also available, it is called "PhoneGap". On the Cordova website you find detailed tutorials which describe the deployment on different mobile platforms: `Cordova Getting Started Tutorial`_ Configure Cordova for deploying your %{Mobile} application ========================================================== After you installed cordova, and followed the introductions of `Cordova Getting Started Tutorial`_, you are able to deploy your %{Mobile} application on your mobile device. Follow these steps: #. Build your application with ``generate.py build``. #. Duplicate content of your %{Mobile} build folder, into Cordova deploy folder ``assets/www`` including the ``index.html``. #. Paste the following line in head part of ``assets/www/index.html``: ```` 4. Cross-check the version of the "cordova.js" in script tag, against the version you use. That should do the trick. Now Cordova can deploy your %{Mobile} application on the connected Mobile Device. For executing the deployment, have a look on `Cordova Getting Started Tutorial`_. Update application on your mobile device ======================================== If you want to update your %{Mobile} application, you just have to copy the folders ``resource`` and ``script`` into Cordova's deploy folder ``assets/www/``. An update of the ``assets/www/index.html`` is not necessary. .. _Apache Cordova: http://incubator.apache.org/cordova/ .. _Cordova Getting Started Tutorial: http://docs.phonegap.com/en/1.6.1/guide_getting-started_index.md.html#Getting%20Started%20Guides