.. _pages/mobile/getting_started#getting_started: Getting Started with %{qooxdoo} %{Mobile} ****************************************** Working with %{Mobile} requires downloading and using %{qooxdoo}'s SDK. See here for the :doc:`SDK's requirements `, and follow its *Installation and Setup* section. This requirement applies to the development phase only, the final app is independent of the SDK. The first step is to create a mobile skeleton, by calling the ``create-applicaton.py`` script from the command line. Navigate to the qooxdoo folder and execute the following command: :: ./tool/bin/create-application.py --type=mobile --name=helloworld --out=.. A new folder "helloworld" will be created next to the qooxdoo folder, containing the mobile skeleton application. Right now the application is pretty useless, until we create the ``source`` version of it. Navigate to the created folder and call the qooxdoo generator with the following command: :: ./generate.py source After a few seconds the generator has analyzed all class dependencies and created a source version of the application. You can test the application by opening the ``source/index.html`` file in your Chrome / Safari browser. You should see a page "Page 1" with a button "Next Page". When you tap on the button, the next page "Page 2", with a "Back" button in the upper left corner, is displayed. **Congratulations, you have just created your first qooxdoo mobile application!** Now it is your turn. Just open ``source/class/helloworld/Application.js`` and enhance your cross-platform mobile application. If you need a more detailed tutorial, please have a look at our mobiletweets tutorial: :doc:`%{Mobile} Tweets Client Tutorial `