.. _pages/tool#tooling: Tooling ********* qooxdoo's tool chain comes with the SDK and comprises tools that help you create and maintain your %{JS} applications. They fall into two broad categories: * command-line tools * browser-based tools Command-line tools are tools that run on your operating system's command shell, like *bash* for MacOSX and Linux, or *cmd* or *PowerShell* for Microsoft Windows. They generally require a Python installation on your system. Two important examples of this category are *create-application.py*, sort of an application wizard which you use to create a new application, and *generate.py* which you use during your development activities (and referred to as the "generator"), e.g. to build a running application from your source code. Browser-based tools run in a web browser. Among them are the Apiviewer, which provides an interactive API reference, and the Testrunner, which allows running your unit test in a GUI. As the browser-based applications are mostly described elsewhere, this section deals mainly with the command-line tools. It also provides a general introduction into the qooxdoo SDK and its structure. Introduction ============= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 tool/sdk/sdk_introduction tool/sdk/sdk_requirements tool/getting_started tool/sdk/sdk_structure tool/sdk/application_structure tool/sdk/manifest tool/sdk/code_structure Generator ============= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 tool/generator/generator tool/generator/features tool/generator/generator_usage tool/generator/generator_optimizations tool/generator/dependencies_manually Configuration -------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 tool/generator/generator_config tool/generator/config_usage tool/generator/config_tweaking tool/generator/generator_config_articles tool/generator/config_branching tool/generator/generator_config_background Tutorials ------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 tool/tutorial_basics .. tool/generator/generator_config_howto .. _pages/tool#references: References ------------ * :doc:`tool/generator/default_jobs_actions` * :doc:`tool/generator/default_jobs_includers` * :doc:`tool/generator/generator_config_ref` * :doc:`tool/generator/generator_config_macros` Grunt ===== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 tool/grunt Lint ============= Tutorials ------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Source code validation Application Wizard =================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 tool/create_application Migration ========== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 tool/migration/migration_guide Other Tools ==================== Some of the tools that come with the SDK are described elsewhere in this manual. Here are some pointers: * :doc:`application/apiviewer` * :doc:`development/frame_apps_testrunner`