.. _pages/widget/textarea#textarea: TextArea ******** A TextArea some long text. The TextArea is classic GUI element. .. _pages/widget/textarea#preview_image: Preview Image ------------- |TextArea| .. |TextArea| image:: /pages/widget/textfield.png .. _pages/widget/textarea#features: Features -------- * Pointer and keyboard control. * Configurable fonts and text alignment. * Read only support. * Automatic wrap around. .. _pages/widget/textarea#description: Description ----------- The TextArea is like a TextField, but for longer text input. So the TextArea supports a automatic wrap around which can be deactivated, when it is undesired. .. _pages/widget/textarea#demos: Demos ----- Here are some links that demonstrate the usage of the widget: * `Shows different TextArea demos `_ * `Shows a dialog demo with an TextArea `_ * `Show a form demo `_ .. _pages/widget/textarea#api: API --- | Here is a link to the API of the Widget: | `qx.ui.form.TextArea `_