Inline Widgets

This page describes how you can use qooxdoo widgets inside HTML-dominated pages. This use case is different from creating a regular, "standalone" qooxdoo application.

Target Audience

Integrating qooxdoo widgets into existing HTML pages could be interesting to all users who already have (many) existing pages, often some kind of "portal", and therefore don't want to transform these into a standalone rich Internet application (RIA).

Online Demos

Take a look at the online demos to see the use of inline widgets in action.

Set Up An Inline Application

An inline application is set up by using the create-application script described in the Hello World section. You just have to add the additional option -t with the value inline and you're done.

/opt/qooxdoo-sdk/tool/bin/ -n myapp -t inline

Once executed you get a skeleton application which is ready-to-use to develop an inline application. The skeleton also demonstrates the different integration approaches which are described in the next section.

Ways of Integration

There are basically two ways to integrate a qooxdoo widget into an existing HTML-dominated page:

  • positioning a widget with absolute coordinates (maybe overlaying existing content)
  • adding the widget within the page flow by using an existing DOM node as an isle

Which way you should choose depends on what you wish to achieve. Technically both share the same foundation.

Instead of using qx.application.Standalone as a base application class you need to extend from qx.application.Inline as a starting point. So basically your (empty) application looks like this:

  extend : qx.application.Inline,

  members :
    main: function()

      // your code follows here

Absolute Positioning

Adding a widget to the page without regarding the page flow is a no-brainer. Just create the desired widget and add it to the application root. As the application root is an instance of qx.ui.layout.Basic you can only use left and top coordinates to position your widgets.


Absolute positioning requires no existing DOM node in the target document.

  extend : qx.application.Inline,

  members :
    main: function()

      // add a date chooser widget
      var dateChooser = new qx.ui.control.DateChooser();

      // add the date chooser widget to the page
      this.getRoot().add(dateChooser, { left : 100, top : 100 });

Page Flow

However, the former solution won't fit for e.g. a portal where the page is divided into several parts. In this case you won't have any absolute coordinates you could work with reliably.

To add widgets at certain locations inside the page you can create or reuse DOM nodes which act as islands where the qooxdoo widgets live in regard to the page flow.


You need to define specific DOM nodes in your document which act as islands for the qooxdoo widgets.

Additionally if you use the dynamic mode (automatic resizing) it is important that the used DOM node is not styled using CSS rules concerning the width and height attribute. Instead style your DOM node with inline styles, otherwise the dynamic resizing won't work correctly.

  extend : qx.application.Inline,

  members :
    main: function()

      // create the island by connecting it to the existing
      // "dateChooser" DOM element of your HTML page.
      // Typically this is a DIV as in <div id="dateChooser"></div>
      var dateChooserIsle = new qx.ui.root.Inline(document.getElementById("dateChooser"));

      // create the date chooser widget and add it to the inline widget (=island)
      var dateChooser = new qx.ui.control.DateChooser();