
A SplitPane is used to divide two Widgets. These widgets can be resized by tapping the splitter widget and moving the slider. The orientation property states if the widgets should be aligned horizontally or vertically.

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  • Orientation
    • vertical
    • horizontal
  • Autosizing with static or flex values


The most important class (and the class you will use mainly) inside the qx.ui.splitpane package is the Pane. One can add two widgets (of any type) to it. Besides these two widgets a Pane also contains a Splitter between them. By tapping on it (and holding down the pointer), a Slider will appear and follow the pointer to indicate where the Splitter's will be placed when the pointer is released. Once the pointer is released the available space inside the Pane is redivided to both widgets according to the Splitter's new position.


Here are some links that demonstrate the usage of the widget:


Here is a link to the API of the Widget: