Using the remote table model¶
The remote table should be used whenever you want to display a large amount of data in a performant way.
As this table model loads its data on-demand from a backend, only those rows are loaded that are near the area the user is currently viewing. If the user scrolls, the rows that will be displayed soon are loaded asynchronously in the background. All loaded data is managed in a cache that automatically removes the last recently used rows when it gets full.
To get this model up and running you have to implement the actual loading of the row data by yourself in a subclass.
Implement your subclass¶
To correctly implement the remote table model you have to define/overwrite two methods _loadRowCount and _loadRowData. Both are automatically called by the table widget.
extend : qx.ui.table.model.Remote,
members :
// overridden - called whenever the table requests the row count
_loadRowCount : function()
// Call the backend service (example) - using XmlHttp
var url = "http://localhost/services/getTableCount.php";
var req = new, "GET", "application/json");
// Add listener
req.addListener("completed", this._onRowCountCompleted, this);
// send request
// Listener for request of "_loadRowCount" method
_onRowCountCompleted : function(response)
var result = response.getContent();
if (result != null)
// Apply it to the model - the method "_onRowCountLoaded" has to be called
// overridden - called whenever the table requests new data
_loadRowData : function(firstRow, lastRow)
// Call the backend service (example) - using XmlHttp
var baseUrl = "http://localhost/services/getTableRowData.php";
var parameters = "?from=" + firstRow + "&to=" + lastRow;
var url = baseUrl + parameters;
var req = new, "GET", "application/json");
// Add listener
req.addListener("completed", this._onLoadRowDataCompleted, this);
// send request
// Listener for request of "_loadRowData" method
_onLoadRowDataCompleted : function(response)
var result = response.getContent();
if (result != null)
// Apply it to the model - the method "_onRowDataLoaded" has to be called
Using your remote model¶
Now that you've set up the remote table model the table component can use it.
var remoteTableModelInstance = new myApplication.table.RemoteDataModel();
That's all you need to ensure your table is using your remote model.
Sorting your data¶
The table component offers sortable columns to let users sort the data the way they like. You can enable this sorting ability for each column. Since you have to pull the data into the table yourself you have to update the table data once the user changes the sorting criteria. You have to enhance the _loadRowData method with this information to inform your backend how to sort the data.
// "_loadRowData" with sorting support
_loadRowData : function(firstRow, lastRow)
// Call the backend service (example) - using XmlHttp
var baseUrl = "http://localhost/services/getTableRowData.php";
var parameters = "?from=" + firstRow + "&to=" + lastRow;
// get the column index to sort and the order
var sortIndex = this.getSortColumnIndex();
var sortOrder = this.isSortAscending() ? "asc" : "desc";
// setting the sort parameters - assuming the backend knows these
parameters += "&sortOrder=" + sortOrder + "&sortIndex=" + sortIndex;
var url = baseUrl + parameters;
var req = new, "GET", "application/json");
// Add listener
req.addListener("completed", this._onLoadRowDataCompleted, this);
// send request
The backend has to deliver the requested data in a JSON data structure in order to display the data correctly. The data structure has to use the same IDs as the remote table model instance at the client-side.
For example
var remoteModel = new myApplication.table.RemoteDataModel();
// first param: displayed names, second param: IDs
remoteModel.setColumns( [ "First name", "Last name" ], [ "first", "last" ] );
Then the data delivered by the backend should have the following structure:
result = {[
{ "first" : "John", "last" : "Doe" },
{ "first" : "Homer", "last" : "Simpson" },
{ "first" : "Charlie", "last" : "Brown" },
Moreover, the backend has to deliver the row count, i. e. the number of rows the table contains. This is what the _loadRowCount function of your subclass expects to get. Please make sure that the URLs http://localhost/services/getTableCount.php and http://localhost/services/getTableRowData.php of your subclass point to the right location.
This short and very basic example is far from complete and in your application you will have to implement some more features like error-handling, but it should give you a short overview of how to implement the remote table model in qooxdoo.
Another basic implementation which uses the PHP RPC backend is available in qooxdoo-contrib. Take a look at the RPCExample and setup the necessary RPC PHP backend.