
Universal JavaScript Framework


Generator Configuration File


The configuration file that drives the generator adheres to the JSON specification. It has the following general structure:

  "jobs" :
    "job1" : { ... },
    "job2" : { ... },
    "jobN" : { ... }

The job names job1, ..., jobN are freely chooseable names but must form a valid key. JavaScript-style comments (/.../ and %//%...) are permissible but only in rather robust places, like after a comma or directly after opening or before closing parentheses, but e.g. not between a key and its value.

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Here is an example of a minimal config file that defines a single job to create the source version of an application:

  "jobs" :
    "source" :
      "let" :
        "QOOXDOO_PATH" : "../..",
        "APPLICATION" : "custom"

      "library" :
          "manifest"     : "${QOOXDOO_PATH}/framework/Manifest.json"
          "manifest"     : "./Manifest.json"

      "compile-options" :
        "paths" :
            "file" : "./source/script/${APPLICATION}.js"

      "compile" : { "type" : "source" },

      "require" :
        "qx.log.Logger" : ["qx.log.appender.Native"]

      "environment" :
        "qx.application" : "${APPLICATION}.Application"

      "cache" :
        "compile" : "../../cache2"


Apart from the general Json rules, you can place '=' in front of job and key names, to indicate that this feature should prevail as specified when configs get merged. See here for more details on that. The config system also allows the use of macros, details of which can be found here. If you use keys outside those listed here in your configuration, you will be warned about them, and they will be ignored in the processing.

Valid Job Keys

The value of each job is a map where the keys are not freely chooseable, but are predefined.

Keys can be grouped into several categories:

  • structure-changing - Keys that influence the configuration itself, e.g. the contents or structure of jobs, the job queue, or the config file as a whole (e.g. extend, include (top-level), run).
  • actions - Keys that if present trigger a certain action in the generator, which usually results in some output (e.g. compile, api, localize).
  • input/output-setting - Keys that specify input (e.g. classes or ranges of classes to deal with) and output (e.g. packaging, variants) options (e.g. library, require, include).
  • runtime-settings - Keys pertaining to the working needs of the generator (e.g. cache).
  • miscellaneous - Keys that don't fall in any of the other categories (e.g. desc).

First, here is an overview table, to list all possible keys in a job (if the key has a different context, this is explicitly noted). Below that, you'll find a structured listing of all possible configuration keys in their respective context, with links to further information for each.

Action Keys Description
api Triggers the generation of a custom Apiviewer application.
clean-files Delete files and directories from the file system.
collect-environment-info Prints various infos about the qooxdoo environment (version etc.)
combine-images Triggers creation of a combined image file that contains various images.
compile Triggers the generation of a source or build version of the app.
copy-files Triggers files/directories to be copied.
copy-resources Triggers the copying of resources.
fix-files Fix white space in source files.
lint-check Check source code with a lint-like utility.
migrate-files Migrate source code to the current qooxdoo version.
pretty-print Format source files.
provider Collects classes, resources and dependency info in a directory tree.
shell Triggers the execution of one or more external command(s).
simulate Triggers the execution of a suite of integration tests.
slice-images Triggers cutting images into regions.
translate Triggers updating of .po files.
Structure-changing Keys Description
default-job (top-level) Default job to be run.
export (top-level) List of jobs to be exported to other config files.
extend Extend the current job with other jobs.
include (top-level) Include external config files.
jobs (top-level) Define jobs.
let Define macros.
let (top-level) Define default macros.
run Define a list of jobs to run.
Input/Output-setting Keys Description
add-script Includes aritrary URIs to be loaded by the app.
asset-let Defines macros that will be replaced in #asset hints.
compile-options Various options that taylor the compile action.
dependencies Fine-tune dependency processing.
exclude Exclude classes from processing of the job.
include Include classes to be processed in the job.
library Define libraries to be taken into account for this job.
packages Define packages for this app.
require Define prerequisite classes (load time).
environment Define key:value pairs for the app.
use Define prerequisite classes (run time).
Runtime-setting Keys Description
cache Define the path to the cache directory.
config-warnings (experimental) Suppress warnings relating to configuration.
log Tailor log output options.
Miscellaneous Keys Description
desc A descriptive string for the job.
name (top-level) A descriptive string for the configuration file.

Listing of Keys in Context

This shows the complete possible contents of the top-level configuration map. Further information is linked from the respective keys.

  • name A name or descriptive text for the configuration file.
  • include Include external config files. Takes a list of maps, where each map specifies an external configuration file, and options how to include it. (See special section on the include key)
  • let Define default macros. Takes a map (see the description of the job-level 'let' further down). This let map is included automatically into every job run. There is no explicit reference to it, so be aware of side effects.
  • export List of jobs to be exported if this config file is included by another.
  • default-job The name of a job to be run as default, i.e. when invoking the generator without job arguments.
  • config-warnings (experimental) Suppress warnings from configuration aspects which you know are ok.
  • jobs Map of jobs. Each key is the name of a job.
    • <jobname> Each job's value is a map describing the job. The describing map can have any number of the following keys:
      • add-script A list of URIs that will be loaded first thing when the app starts.
      • api Triggers the generation of a custom Apiviewer application.
      • asset-let Defines macros that will be replaced in #asset hints in source files. (See special section on the "asset-let" key).
      • cache Define the path to cache directories, most importantly to the compile cache. (See special section on the "cache" Key key).
      • clean-files Triggers clean-up of files and directories within a project and the framework, e.g. deletion of generated files, cache contents, etc.
      • collect-environment-info Collects various information about the qooxdoo environment (like version, cache, etc.) and prints it to the console.
      • combine-images Triggers creation of a combined image file that contains various images.
      • compile Triggers the generation of a source or build version of the application.
      • compile-options Define various options that influence compile runs (both source and build version).
      • config-warnings (experimental) Suppress warnings from configuration aspects which you know are ok.
      • copy-files Triggers files/directories to be copied, usually between source and build version.
      • copy-resources Triggers the copying of resources, usually between source and build version.
      • dependencies Fine-tune the processing of class dependencies.
      • desc A string describing the job.
      • environment Define key:value pairs for the application, covering settings, variants and features.
      • exclude List classes to be excluded from the job. Takes an array of class specifiers.
      • extend Extend the current job with other jobs. Takes an array of job names. The information of these jobs are merged into the current job description, so the current job sort of "inherits" their settings. (See the special section on "extend" semantics).
      • fix-files Fix white space in source files.
      • include List classes to be processed in the job. Takes an array of class specifiers.
      • let Define macros. Takes a map where each key defines a macro and the value its expansion. (See the special section on macros).
      • library Define libraries to be taken into account for this job. Takes an array of maps, each map specifying one library to consider. The most important part therein is the "manifest" specification. (See special section on Manifest files).
      • lint-check Check source code with a lint-like utility.
      • log Tailor log output of job.
      • migrate-files Migrate source code to the current qooxdoo version.
      • packages Define packages for the application. (See special section on packages).
      • pretty-print Triggers code beautification of source class files (in-place-editing). An empty map value triggers default formatting, but further keys can tailor the output.
      • provider Collects classes, resources and dependency information and puts them in a specific directory structure under the provider root.
      • require Define prerequisite classes needed at load time. Takes a map, where the keys are class names and the values lists of prerequisite classes.
      • run Define a list of jobs to run in place of the current job. (See the special section on "run" semantics).
      • shell Triggers the execution of one or more external command(s).
      • simulate Triggers the execution of a GUI test (simulated interaction) suite.
      • slice-images Triggers cutting images into regions.
      • translate Re-)generate .po files from source classes.
      • use Define prerequisite classes needed at run time. Takes a map, where the keys are class names and the values lists of prerequisite classes.

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